I S S A, Hawaii Chapter


Friday, July 21, 2017

ISSA Monthly Luncheon: Hosted by Gigamon, Software Defined Visibility

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Hale Koa Hotel

RSVP requested

Cost: $0 Members/$0 Non-members

Presentation: Software Defined Visibility,  How Next Generation Packet Brokers Make This Possible

Speaker: Marcus Salvemini

Topic: When deploying security defenses, Packet Brokers can provide the most advanced engineering capabilities to manipulate the flows and packets before they are ingested by the Security tools,  and need to be included in the overall SDN design.

Next Generation Packet Brokers have the ability to integrate with SDN controllers through the use of RESTFull API's.

These Packet Brokers come with a robust Software interface that lends itself to the basic 4 constructs of SDN controlled infrastructures and therefore make it a simple bridge between the Controller and the underlying Packet Broker platforms, allowing the SDN controller to automate many actions taken at the Fabric layer of the Packet Broker, as well as providing manual interaction by the controller and the physical platform when needed.


Lunch Menu:
Appetizer: Hale Koa Salad with Tarragon Dressing
Main Course: Grilled Mediterranean Chicken
Tomato Jam and Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
Fresh Seasonal Vegetables, and Roasted Potatoes
Dessert: Refreshing Signature Sorbets

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