I S S A, Hawaii Chapter


Friday, July 20, 2018

ISSA Monthly Luncheon: Hosted by BeyondTrust "The Next Attack Vectors: Vulnerabilities + Privileges

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Hale Koa Hotel

RSVP requested
Cost $0 Members/$ 0 Non-Members

Presentation: The Next Attack Vectors: Vulnerabilities + Privileges

Speaker: Joe Statz, Security Engineer at Beyond Trust

Topic:Cyber-attacks continue to increase in sophistication and are occurring in such volume that a daily newsfeed littered with tales of new data breaches is now something we've come to expect. Central to almost each of these tales is an element of privilege abuse and/or misuse that resulted in either the initial exploit, or that was implicated in allowing an initial foothold to metastasize into a security event inflicting widespread damage.

This session provides a comprehensive view of how privileges, passwords, and vulnerabilities are being leveraged as attack vectors, and how you can take measurable steps to defend against them.

Bio:Joe Statz, Security Engineer at BeyondTrust has spent 22 years working in IT and more specifically in Security for the last 8. He has worked at BeyondTrust for the past 6 years with hundreds of companies in all verticals. He started out by earning his Bachelor's degree from UCLA (Go Bruins!) and started his career in IT while serving in the USN.

Lunch Menu:
Appetizer: Hale Koa Salad with Tarragon Dressing
Main Course: Smoked Soy Marinated Chicken on Fettuccine Pasta, Fresh Julienne Vegetables and Mirin Cream Sauce
Dessert: Refreshing Signature Sorbets 

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