I S S A, Hawaii Chapter


Friday, September 21, 2018

ISSA Monthly Luncheon: Hosted by SynAck; The CISO - A Different Approach

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Hale Koa Hotel

RSVP requested
Members $0/ Non-Members $0


Facebook Kills the CISO Position - Herbalife takes a different Approach Using a Crowd!

Speaker: Darrell Jones - HerbaLife CISO


Security is usually a specific team's responsibility with a company, but understaffed and overworked. At Herbalife, Darrell Jones empowered other teams - development, operations, and more - to help with the security mission without burdening any team. Learn how development tools, penetration testing, the world's best ethical hackers and other techniques made Herbalife's security more effective.

Bio:  Darrell Jones - HerbaLife CISO

Lunch Menu:
Appetizer: Hale Koa Salad with Tarragon Dressing
Main Course: Grilled Black Tiger Shrimp Pasta, Fettuccine Pasta Tossed with Marinara Sauce, Mushrooms, Spinach and Garlic
Dessert: Tiramisu 

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