I S S A, Hawaii Chapter


Friday, August 18, 2023

ISSA Monthly Luncheon: Confronting Cyber Threats: Cybersecurity from the FBI's Perspective

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Dave and Buster's 1030 Auahi Street, Honolulu, Hale Paina Room

RSVP requested
***Note: This is a non-hosted Luncheon.
Payment will be collected at entry.
ISSA Members $0 Non-Members $15

Speaker: Special Agent Kyle Storm. SA Storm has been with the FBI for over fourteen years focusing on criminal and national security cyber investigations for the majority of his career. SA Storm is assigned to the FBI Honolulu Division's Cyber Squad as part of the Computer Analysis Response Team.

Speaker: Maryssa Shigesato, Data Analyst. Data Analyst Shigesato has been with the FBI for two and a half years assisting with both cyber and non-cyber criminal and national security cases. She is assigned to the FBI Honolulu Division's Cyber Squad. DA Shigesato is currently a PhD candidate in epidemiology at UH-Manoa.

Ciao Bella lunch menu: Chicken Parmesan, Tomato Basil Pasta, Bleu Cheese Chop Salad, Caesar Salad, Cacio e Pepe Cauliflower, Mozzarella Cheese Ciabatta

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