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Privacy Policy

The Information Systems Security Association, Inc., Hawaii chapter ("ISSA Hawaii" or Association) has created this privacy statement ("Policy") in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to the privacy and the confidentiality of our members. We endeavor to comply with all laws pertaining to privacy in the countries in which we operate. We also voluntarily endeavor to adhere to the Safe Harbor framework developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce in consultation with the European Union. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices of ISSA Hawaii.

Information Collection and Storage

Collection of Personal Information

When you request membership, we ask that you provide information that personally identifies you (Personal Information), and allows us to process your membership or to contact you. This information includes your name, work and home mailing address, company for which you work, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, your credit card information if submitted for payment purposes, and other information to assist us in keeping you informed as to activities of the Association and your rights and privileges as a member.

Storage of Personal Information

This information is retained in the active database while you are a member, and for up to a year afterwards in case you rejoin the Association during that time. After that period of time, it is archived for historical purposes and is no longer accessible through the normal reporting methods.

Credit card information obtained for purposes of membership processing is not stored with the membership record or available to other association members. Association staff retain this information separately for internal processing only.

Information Use

A discussion of the specific responsibilities of the ISSA staff, Board and Chapter officers can be found at www.issa.org/privacyresp.html.

Local Chapter

One of our most significant responsibilities and duties as an Association is to encourage professional networking and the sharing of experiences and information between our members. The local ISSA chapter serves a critical role in this activity and we encourage all members to take part in their local chapters. In support of this activity, we share local member contact information with members who have taken on the responsibility of starting a new chapter and to facilitate communications between the local members. We also provide local chapter officers with contact information of members who are not affiliated with the local chapter to support their efforts in getting local members to participate in their local activities. We do, however, recognize that members do not wish to have their contact information spread indiscriminately through the Association or outside of it. We therefore publish contact information only to those in the Association and the Local Chapter with a legitimate need to know.

Educational Activities

A significant focus of our charter and activities is the education and development of our members. As a part of this effort, we seek to bring educational opportunities to our members. We likewise seek every opportunity to make our members aware of tools and services that might benefit them and their employers. We therefore solicit, from the vendors that support ISSA, information on available tools, services and educational opportunities and communicate these to our membership.

In performing this service, we do not share the member contact information with any other organization or company except to conduct Association business, if directed to do so by a member, required by law, or to prevent a member from violating the terms of use of the Association's resources.

Member Benefits

As a special service to our members, we continually attempt to improve the benefits provided to our members. These benefits include special discount offerings of goods and services. To provide these benefits, it is sometimes necessary to share our member information with selected vendors for the provision of such services. However, this information is provided under agreements that prohibit them from using the information for any other purpose, and under which your privacy must be protected.

CHOICE - Third-Party Goods and Services

We also provide an additional service, permitting vendors of related information security goods and services to make you aware of their offerings. However, we require your consent to include you in this service. We provide an Opt-In option on the registration and renewal forms. If you choose to Opt-In, we sell to vendors a one-time use of the mailing addresses through an independent mailing house. The vendor does not receive the mailing list and the mailing house is contractually bound to us to use that mailing list only once.

If you choose to not Opt-In, your direct mail contact information will not be sold in this manner and you will not receive these mailings. All Local Chapters are also required to honor your choice to not Opt-In. Please note that your e-mail address is never sold as a part of this process, and you will not receive unsolicited e-mail offerings as a result of any sale of your mailing address.

Choosing to not participate in the Opt-In process will not affect mailings and communications submitted to you by ISSA Hawaii.

Website Access


This site contains links to other sites providing information security updates or educational services which we consider to be of benefit to our members. ISSA Hawaii is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

Changes to this Policy

The Association may amend this Policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes to the way we use your Personal Information we will notify you by e-mail and a prominent notification on our website.


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this website, or your dealings with it, or have a concern that these privacy provisions are being violated in some way, please contact the ISSA. Concerns about privacy violations at either the International or Local Chapter level should be sent to either the ISSA Chief Operating Officer or ISSA Vice President of Marketing and Communications.

Copyright © 2003-25 ISSA Hawaii Chapter
PO Box 2297 ~ Honolulu, HI 96804
Our privacy policy
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